Trade Mark

  • A trademark is a sign or a combination of signs that is used to distinguish the goods or services of one enterprise from those of another. The owner of a trademark has the exclusive right to use it in the marketplace to identify certain goods or services, or to authorize (or license) others to use it in return for payment or other benefits.
  • Trademark helps in building a brand over a period of time and positive image or reputation of a business creates a relationship of trust which provides the basis for developing a loyal clientele and enhancing a business's goodwill in the long term and should be legally protected.
  • Trademarks therefore help consumers to reliably identify and purchase a product or service which they prefer because of its taste, quality or other characteristic that consumers have come to expect on the basis of previous purchases or through advertising or word-of-mouth recommendation.


  • Consultation for coining fanciful marks
  • Jurisdiction specific search
  • Drafting and Filing of Trade Mark Application
  • Prosecution
  • Maintenance