
  • "intellectual property (IP)" is defined as the property resulting from creations of the human mind, the intellect.
  • The most important among intellectual properties is “patent.” A patent is an exclusive right granted by a government for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem.
  • Using a patented invention embodied in a technology in your business improves your market power, provides a competitive edge.
  • After grant it can remain legally valid for a maximum period of 20 years that commences from the date on which the relevant patent application was filed.
  • A patent is a territorial right; thus it is limited to the geographical boundary of the relevant country or region for which it has been granted.
  • Like the owner of any other private property, a patent owner has the right to prevent others from using it, abandon it, sell it, that is, assign it for a fee or free (gift), and allow one or many others to use it, while retaining its ownership, by ‘licensing out’.



25% of all R & D efforts are wasted each year on inventions that have already been invented. Don't start your R&D until you have done a search!

  • FTO (Freedom To Operate)/ Right to use / Clearance Search
  • State of the art search
  • Validity/ Invalidity Search
  • Novelty / Patentability Search
  • Landscape Analysis Search

Competitor Monitoring & Data Management

  • Monitoring the competition (Patent Portfolio)
  • Patent Data Management

We provide comprehensive solutions from ideation to its complete life cycle

  • Filing of Provisional and Complete Specification
  • Prosecution
  • Maintenance
  • Filing OF PCT application